Want to Sponsor PLS?

Interested in sponsoring Paper Lovers Studio? There are a couple of ways to do so! You can purchase a sidebar ad or sponsor a challenge by hosting a giveaway.

-Sidebar Ads-
Our Sidebar ads are 260 x 100 pixels. Email us for prices and more info.

-Sponsoring a Challenge/Hosting a Giveaway-
If you're interested in sponsoring a challenge/hosting a giveaway, email us!

 -Product Reviews-
Paper Lovers Studio accepts products for review! Are you a manufacturer or do you own a scrapbook store? We will only accept a review if it is a paper craft supply or something we are very interested in.
Products will not be returned after review, they are ours to keep.

Included in each review will be high quality photos of your product, a description of you business, links to you/your shop, pro/cons and our honest opinion about your product.
Either Emily or Katie (or both, if you would like) will review your product!

If you're interested in sending us a product to review, please send us an email!


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